Luckily this page permeates places your words could never reach
Luckily the day you spoke my writing never ceased
Luckily I speak, I write, I read, and yes I speech
Luckily Spoken Word was never my defeat
But yours
Luckily these pages flow
Words with endless places to go
Never stymied
By lack of promo
Or attendance
To lackluster events
You aint nothing
But a wanna be rapper
While my pages stay with the audience forever
Opening books always led to bigger things
While speaking,
While sultry,
Never everlasting
Luckily with this pen to page
You could feel my rage
For moments
For days
For weeks
For ages
Luckily the words I put on paper
Bound between two
Cardboard covers
Make my work a family heirloom
A classroom staple
A library’s treasure
See what’s spoken is lost in translation
In one ear
Out the other
Remembered the best of their ability
But soon forgotten
When the next catchy
New artist
Steps to the stage
But this poet
Will forever be etched in the page.
Luckily this page permeates places your words could never reach
Luckily the day you spoke my writing never ceased
Luckily I speak, I write, I read, and yes I speech
Luckily Spoken Word was never my defeat
But yours.